Jesus and George: You are either with us, 2005, stitching and acrylic on linen -
Hannes Priesch, W. as Kaiser Wilhelm as St. George, 2004, acrylic on canvas, 52" by 40", 132 cm x 101,6 cm -
Revelation (President George W. Bush of USA, and President Jaques Chirac of France in a phone conversation before the beginning of the Iraq War 2), 2012, acrylic on canvas (2 parts), handset, 70” by 60”, 177,5 x 152,4 cm -
Rumsfeld Bible, 2009, acrylic on canvas, 14" by 48", 35,5 cm x 121,9 cm -
Hannes Priesch, Rumsfeld Bible, 2009, acrylic on canvas, 14" by 48", 35,5 cm x 121,9 cm -
Rumsfeld Bible, 2009, acrylic on canvas, 14" by 48", 35,5 cm x 121,9 cm -
Rumsfeld Bible, 2009, acrylic on canvas, 14" by 48", 35,5 cm x 121,9 cm -
Numbers 31, 2005 acrylic on canvas, hair parts; 6 panels 52" by 52" each, overall 104" by 156", 132 cm x 132 cm each panel, overall about 265 cm x 396 cm -
Numbers 31, 2005, acrylic on canvas, hairparts, detail -
Numbers 31, installation view, Austrian Cultural Forum New York, 2006 -
word/sword, 2004, acrylic on canvas, 24" by 36", 61 cm x 91,4 cm -
laughter/slaughter, 2004, acrylic on canvas, 24" by 36", 61 cm x 91,4 cm -
worship/warship, 2004, 24" by 36", 61 cm x 91,4 cm -
Joshua 11: 6-13 #1, 2004, acrylic on canvas 72“by 52“, 183 x 132 cm -
Joshua 11: 6-13 #2, 2004, acrylic on canvas 72“by 52“, 183 x 132 cm -
Joshua 11: 6-13 #3, 2004, acrylic on canvas 72“by 52“, 183 x 132 cm -
Joshua 10:13-27, 2005, acrylic on canvas, 52" by 52", 132 cm x 132 cm -
Joshua 10:13-27, 2005, acrylic on canvas, 52" by 72", 132 cm x 183 cm -
Joshua 10:13-27, 2005, acrylic on canvas, 52" by 72", 132 cm x 183 cm -
Joshua 10:13-27, 2005, acrylic on canvas, 52" by 72", 132 cm x 183 cm -
Joshua 10:13-27, 2005, acrylic on canvas, 52" by 52", 132 cm x 132 cm -
God's Statement, 2004, acrylic on canvas 90“by 60“, 228,5 x 152,5 cm -
Seht! (Deut 32, 39-42), 2006, acrylic on canvas, 52” by 28”, 132 cm x 71,5 cm -
Joel, Chapter 3, 2006, acrylic on linen,
90” by 60”, 229 cm x 153 cm